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Email Banner Charlie

Charlie’s condition was heartbreaking.

Emaciated, unable to walk, and covered in matted fur stained with urine, Charlie was barely hanging on. It was clear he’d suffered severe neglect, and we couldn’t turn him away.

Right now, you have an opportunity to triple your impact for Charlie and animals like him. Every dollar you give will be matched three times, but only for a limited time.

Charlie has required round-the-clock feedings, fluids, and specialized care… and he still has a long road ahead of him.

Please, have your gift triple matched today so you can be part of his story.

When you make a donation today, your donation will go three times as far in providing lifesaving medical care, nourishing food, and a safe, loving environment for vulnerable pets like Charlie.

Please don’t wait—donate now to triple your impact.

August 21, 2024

lightbox ATL Humane Hero Pets